A man sitting beside a pregnant woman, holding her belly
Published May 29th, 2018

Moms Need Our Support While Exclusively Breastfeeding!

The time is here when Moms need our support while exclusively breastfeeding!

From the moment you are expecting your baby until you bring your new bundle home with you, you will see and hear ‘you must be exclusively breastfeeding’. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby are widely documented; both from women’s personal experiences and scientific research. Although breastfeeding is widely promoted by a range of health professionals throughout pregnancy, the rates of mothers exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months postpartum are much lower than recommended by the WHO. In Canada, many women initiate breastfeeding after birth but only a small majority of these women report exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months of age. This is why Moms need our support while exclusively breastfeeding.

“Breastfeeding is the unequaled way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of infants and has a unique biological and emotional influence on the health of both mother and child. For breastfeeding to be successfully initiated and established, mothers need the active support during pregnancy and following birth, not only of their families and communities, but also of the entire health system.”

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). PROTECTING, PROMOTING AND SUPPORTING BREASTFEEDING: THE SPECIAL ROLE OF MATERNITY SERVICES. GENEVA: A JOINT WHO/UNICEF STATEMENT, 1989Breastmilk is an all-rounder when it comes to baby’s nutrition! It can adapt to the needs of your baby and contains all the nutrients your baby needs for up to 6 months. Breastmilk promotes physical and emotional well-being for both your baby and you. Your breast milk helps protect your baby from illnesses and infections often faced by newborn babies. It also reduces your chances of illness as a mom, particularly illnesses such as breast and ovarian cancer later in life.A mother’s ability to initiate and maintain breastfeeding her baby is enhanced when healthcare providers work together with her. A supportive and understanding partner, family, or friend have an important role in supporting a woman to exclusively breastfeeding positively and successfully. When a new mother feels supported she is more likely to feel empowered and confident with her choice to breastfeed. Partners, friends, family and healthcare providers can encourage new moms by celebrating small successes on a regular basis, as well as encourage moms to breastfeed as long as possible in the postnatal period. Family and friends can provide information, assist with solving problems and help out in the home by taking care of other children in the home or with household chores.To sustain support beyond breastfeeding initiation, The Breastfeeding Committee for Canada recommend healthcare professionals link women with peer or mother-to-mother support programs, as well as in-home visits by breastfeeding specialists. In home visits should ideally be one-to-one and provided in a timely fashion to provide adequate support when needed. It is also recommended valuable equipment such as breast pumps should be widely available to women who need them.

Postpartum support is an important resource for mothers and babies, not only for emotional and physical support but also for successful breastfeeding. Support from a nurse, midwife or doula can help ensure you and your family have a positive breastfeeding experience, which in turn with enable you to extend the duration you breastfeed your baby. Though breastfeeding is a natural way to feed your baby, it can often be challenging for both mother and baby, as it is a new skill that both mom and baby learn after birth. It is common for new mother’s to be discouraged in the early postpartum period as they navigate problems such as sore nipples, engorgement and the demands of breastfeeding whether exclusively breastfeeding or not. Support from health professionals and lay counselors makes a significant difference in these times of doubt for new breastfeeding mothers and their babies. A breastfeeding specialist such as a lactation consultant is invaluable in many of these cases. Lactation consultants are equipped with extensive knowledge and experience to help you build your milk supply as well as confidence.

At The New Mummy Company all of our day and night nannies are newborn experts, with training and experience in nursing, midwifery or postpartum doula support. They provide in-home support after you’ve had your baby, to empower you and your baby. They are experienced with infant feeding and can help you achieve your goals. Having support from skilled, trained professionals and family can help promote and maintain breastfeeding in the first six months after birth and longer – which can help improve a child’s survival and health. We also provide private, in-home lactation consultations and support, which is comforting to have in the comfort of your own home where you and your baby can relax. Postpartum nannies and lactation consultants are often available through your health insurer, all it takes is simply asking if they can provide or contribute towards one.

If you are interested in any of our postpartum support services simply call us on 1-844-837-4686 for more information or to book one of our many services available in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.


Kehler, H., Chaput, K. and Tough, S. (2009). Risk Factors for Cessation of Breastfeeding Prior to Six Months Postpartum among a Community Sample of Women in Calgary, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 100(5), pp.376-80.

Nagulesapillai, T., McDonald, S., Fenton, T., Mercader, H. and Tough, S. (2013). Breastfeeding Difficulties and Exclusivity Among Late Preterm and Term Infants: Results From the All Our Babies Study. Can J Public Health, 104(4), p.351.


Zareai, M., O’Brien, M. L., & Fallon, A. B. (2007). Creating a breastfeeding culture: A comparison of breastfeeding practices in Australia and Iran. Breastfeeding Review, 15(2), 15–24.

World Health Organization & UNICEF. (‎1989)‎. Protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feeding : the special role of maternity services / a joint WHO/UNICEF statement. Geneva : World Health Organization.