Services / Safe Sleep

Safe Sleep

Complimentary Zoom Webinar - Tuesday's - 6pm Virtual Cost: $0 - Complimentary Duration: 1 hour Book Now
Safe Sleep

New Mummy Co is delighted to work with safe sleep expert Yolanda to provide complimentary safe sleep education webinars. The safe sleep webinars provide an excellent introduction into safe sleep guidelines and SIDS prevention for new and expectant parents.

Yolanda is an infant safe sleep expert and became a safe sleep educator in 2004 after the tragic death of her second son to SIDS. After her son died Yolanda devoted herself to research SIDS and safe sleep extensively setting her on the journey to become the safe sleep expert she is today.

Yolanda has worked safe sleep organizations around the world to increase awareness and continue to learn the best safe practices. Yolanda has realized that the one common denominator to help prevent unsafe sleep situations was education and awareness.

Safe Sleep Education

There is a lot of confusion for parents on what is safe when it comes to baby and infant sleep. In the hospital you may have seen your baby wear a hat, they may have also slept on their tummy in the NICU, or they may have had loose blankets in their crib. In baby stores you can purchase crib bumpers, duvets and baby pillows so why then are these classed as unsafe when it comes to safe sleep? No wonder parents are confused!

We continue to educate our team and promote safe sleep with Yolanda, so that you as new or expectant parents can learn what is “safe sleep” and what conditions are best for your baby to sleep in.

How You Can Access this Service:


Private classes are not available for this service at this time.


On-site is not available for this service at this time.


Virtual classes are ideal during COVID, are great for families with busy schedules, or for those who live out of our offered locations. They are hosted over Zoom and are available to anyone no matter their geographic location. For the best experience, we recommend viewing from a laptop with a high-speed internet connection.


  • What does SIDS mean?

    SIDS is the acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the sudden and unexplained death of a baby younger than 1-year-old.

  • How likely is SIDS? Why does this happen?

    Although SIDS is rare, it is one of the most common causes of death in babies between 1 and 12 months of age. Most babies who die of SIDS are between the ages of 2 and 4 months. Doctors don’t know what causes SIDS and it has no symptoms or warning signs. Babies who die of SIDS seem healthy before being put to bed.

    • Could you let me know detailed what covers the session?
    • What covers the full nursery/bedroom assessment?
    • Should I set up this session before fitting the nursery?

  • Can this kind of class prevent SIDS?

    Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about a SIDS death, but definitely, we can educate and hopefully prevent unsafe sleep deaths with this kind of initiative.
    Our expert on Sleep Safe has more than 15 years of experience in this field and after had spoken with every agency around the world that had anything to do with SIDS or safe sleep, she realized that only one thing can make a difference: education.

  • How long is the session?

    The session will last approximately 60 minutes including safe sleep education with plenty of time for questions and answers.

  • If I will have a Night Nanny, should I take this class?

    The best way to know that your Night Nanny is doing the right thing is to know how to do it yourself. Sleep Safe is a key training that will let you feel more confident and calm when your little one sleeps.

  • Should my nanny take the class?

    Should my nanny take the class? We encourage you to check the experience and knowledge of the nanny before hiring. Your nanny has likely taken the training before, but it could be a great opportunity to update their skills. Knowing that your baby’s or infant’s primary caregivers are trained will increase your comfort level. If you need a nanny we also can offer this service. We have a team of nannies who are handpicked by Maria Robertson, our founder, and CEO. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Maria only brings onboard fully qualified, trained professionals who have recent and relevant newborn experience.

  • What is the cost of a private Safe Sleep class?

    We aim to offer free safe sleep education webinars with Yolanda as often as possible, If you would prefer to have a one to one private session you can book Yolanda’s time for 90 minutes covering all aspects of Canadian Safe Sleep & SIDS prevention at $80 per hour + HST.

  • I would like to take the class, how can I sign up?

    If you would like to book the webinar then please use the link at the top of this page to book by selecting a date that suits your schedule. The webinar is free so there’s no cost to attend. You will receive reminders in advance of the session.

    If you have any questions about the webinar please contact us at or give call us a call at 1-844-237-4686.

  • What is the difference between Safe Sleep and Sleep Training?

    What is the difference between Safe Sleep and Sleep Training? They are totally different. Safe Sleep is designed to cover all aspects of safe sleep and SIDS prevention, while the services of Sleep Training or Sleep Coaching let you establish an appropriate bedtime routine for your baby, tailored to your family needs and lifestyle.

  • Could your specialist help me with sleep training as well? 

    Safe Sleep is designed to cover all aspects of safe sleep and SIDS prevention, however, this does not cover sleep training. We do offer Infant Sleep Coaching Services but not in safe sleep as they are two separate services and usually undertaken months apart. 

    If you want, you can have a personalized sleep consultancy which will offer you a comprehensive sleep solution, educate you on your baby’s sleep needs, help you to establish an appropriate bedtime routine by allowing us to coach and advise you on the best method and routine for your baby, family and lifestyle. If you would like to book it, please do so here

  • I am pregnant and I know you offer some classes online, could I take this one online?

    Yes, we offer this class across Canada and internationally through Zoom. The class is available to you virtually through Zoom. If you have a laptop or iPad that you can move around your house that will be helpful as we will need to see each area that you plan to have the baby sleep in to ensure that each sleeping area is safe for your baby to sleep in and meeting safe sleep guidelines.

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If not, feel free to give us a call to discuss.

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